
替 Amsteel 小股东们争取权益


金狮集团的一间公司 Amsteel Corporation Berhad的常年报告书中,指出Amsteel Corporation Berhad 在2003年的税前盈利为11亿3千9百万令吉,而在2007年,该公司的生意亏损了758万令吉。


啊!以上的四个乱人勇士(陈凯希、陈怀安、周芝简、林国璋)去探听Amsteel Corporation Berhad 何时召开股东大会,为了民族企业,你们四人应该为小股东争取利益,设法领取Proxy,到Amsteel Corporation Berhad股东大会的现场去,针对账目的问题质问大股东钟廷森,因为小股东的利益已被钟廷森挖空了。既然“好打不平”,要帮助小股东,那你们也应该一视同仁,去帮助Amsteel 的小股东才对。否则就是孬种,是伪君子。


3 条评论:

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

The guy who argued this way is an idiot as there are hundreds of Chinese majority KLSE listed companies that are bleeding. You mean these companies were incorporated because of ACCCIM? Let's concentrate on Unico and its related companies as Unico was formed owing to mass mobilizing of resources of Chinese community whereas Amsteel was not formed this way. It has no historical baggage just like what the majority owners of Hai-O Enterprise Bhd./Muda Holdings Bhd. want to do with the restructuring of Hai-O/Muda, it is their own business. I may resort to use vulgar words if you continue to argue like a moron and in an uncivilized manner. Please don't think almost all the Chinese community leaders can be misled by a few guys if no facts and figures were presented.

匿名 说...

Here you are again anonymous.

Give me a break, this is not the first time you have resorted to vulgar words. And Please, do not pretend to be an imapartial bystander.

I do not think the guy who argued that the four "warriors" should make mischief at Amsteel AGM like they had done at UNICO AGM is an idiot or moron. He simply stated a point that whatever the historically baggage the UNICO have to shoulder, an AGM should conduct according to the rules of meeting, an not the way Tan and his alliances had shown during the meeting.

You made a pertinent point. The companies you mentioned in you comment are all operated under the Company Act, why should we disciriminate one against other?

You are very very funny. UNICO is just like other companies. If Tan Sri Cheng and the others really care about ACCCIM's historical role, they should have taken up the task about six years ago when Cheng was elected Chairman of ACCCIM.

I would say that they definitely do not have the sense of history. So, what the rush to "right" UNICO Holdings and its related companies, especially UNICO-Desa.

Anonymous, be fair, does it not obvious who have argued like a moron and uncivilized manner in the first place?






